Living in Philadelphia allows me to travel to New York City easily during my casual time. Observing this busy yet vibrant city is an unforgettable experience.
Alaska, USA, 2021
After the end of Spring 2021 semester, I went on a trip to Alaska with my friends Zhihao Ruan and Kun Huang. It is a wonderful place to travel if you love snow mountains and glaciers. We enjoyed it a lot.
Quadrotors Minimum Snap Trajectory Generation and Control for Obstacle Avoidance
This is the open-ended final project I conducted for the course ESE 650 “Learning in Robotics” at the University of Pennsylvania. My collaborator on this project is Zhihao Ruan.
For the demonstration of results for this project, please see the following video:
More technical information is introduced in this report:
F1Tenth Autonomous Racing Cars Independent Study Project - Multi-Vehicle Coordination for Overtaking Maneuvers
During the Spring 2021 semester, I joined the F1Tenth team at Penn to conduct an interest project on multi-vehicle coordination. My collaborator on this project is Wesley Yee.
For the details and results of this project, please refer to the following report:
F1Tenth Autonomous Racing Cars - Lab 7 (RRT and RRT*)
During the Spring 2021 semester, I joined the F1Tenth team at Penn to conduct an interest project on multi-vehicle coordination. Lab 7 of the “F1Tenth” course is focused on RRT and RRT* that could be fundamental to my project, so I have completed it and will demonstrate below.
This post contains my results for Lab 7, where the RRT and RRT* algorithm for path planning is implemented for the race car so that it can generate a set of desired waypoints to the goal. The Pure Pursuit algorithm in lab 6 is used for tracking the corresponding generated waypoints. They together allows the car to complete a loop of the Levine Hall smoothly. See the video below for a demonstration of the RRT algorithm:
Demonstration of RRT
In the video, the red point is the goal point manually set according to the location of the car in the map; the blue points are the sampled points from the RRT algorithm; the green trajectory is the path found by the RRT algorithm; and the green point is the waypoint the car currently is following (so that the car can follow the green trajectory). Improvements were made that resulted in an implementation of the RRT* algorithm, which will be demonstrated later in this post.
The first step of the RRT algorithm is to define the goal point (the red point in the above figure). I defined them according to the current location of the car in the map. The algorithm then iteratively samples random point in a designated region (also defined according to the current location of the car in the map). A tree is maintained through this process and each iteration steers a node of the tree (the closest node) to the direction of the sampled point. The process is terminated when either the goal point is reached by the tree or the desired maximum number of iterations is reached. If the goal point is reached, we can then trace back the tree to find the desired trajectory. A pseudo code of the algorithm is presented below:
A clear disadvantage of this algorithm is its suboptimality. The generated paths are non-smooth and hard to follow by the race cars. See the figure below,
A solution to this is to use the RRT* algorithm, which is an algorithm built on RRT, but rewiring the tree while adding new nodes to it, a pseudo code of the algorithm is presented below:
The result of the RRT* algorithm is shown below for comparison to the result of RRT, a video demonstration is also shown in the next section:
More technical details can be found in the below prompt document and this paper:
My source codes for this lab can be found on github through this link.
Demonstration of RRT*
The generated path is obviously smoother with the RRT*.
The lecture video can be found below:
F1Tenth Autonomous Racing Cars - Lab 6 (Pure Pursuit)
During the Spring 2021 semester, I joined the F1Tenth team at Penn to conduct an interest project on multi-vehicle coordination. To get prepared for the project, I self-learned and completed Lab 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6 of the “F1Tenth” course.
This post contains my results for Lab 6, where the Pure Pursuit algorithm for path tracking is implemented for the race car so that it can follow the designated waypoints, completing a loop of the Levine Hall smoothly. See the video below for a cool demonstration of the Pure Pursuit algorithm:
Of course the above is the situation where I pushed the algorithm to its limit, so that the vehicle starts drifting in order to complete the loop as fast as possible. The vehicle can track the waypoints better if we drive slower as in lab3 and lab4, as shown in video below:
I first generated the waypoints by localizing the vehicle in the desired map (Levine Hall) using a Particle Filter and recording the locations with a Waypoint Logger. Notice that the Particle Filter implementation provided in the link requires Python 2 environment to build. However, from my experience, the node will run successfully even in a Python 3 environment as long as the codes are modified to their “Python 3” version (such as “print”), a modified version can be found here.
Another note is that a predefined map is required for generating the waypoints. In my case, I could not get in touch with a real car due to the COVID-19 pandemic, so I chose to use a provided map for the simulation. However, it is possible to generate a map ourselves with SLAM. Check out Google Cartographer for more information.
With the waypoints, the Pure Pursuit algorithm can be summarized in the following steps:
- Localize the vehicle with some localization methods, for example, particle filter. This allows the vehicle to identify its nearby waypoints and their relative position in future steps.
- Choose the next appropriate waypoint according to some lookahead distance L. In my code implementation, I chose the closest waypoint that is in the “half plane” that the vehicle is oriented and has a distance greater than L to the vehicle. Note that the lookahead distance L can be tuned to achieve desired performance.
- Calculate the required steering angle to reach the desired point. This calculation is non-trivial due to the non-holonomic nature of cars. See the picture below, due to the velocity and heading of the vehicle, we would not reach the goal point smoothly (possibly with large overshoot) if we just set the steering angle to the exact direction of the goal point. Therefore, we want to find an arc between the current position and the goal point for smooth movement of the vehicle. Since there will be infinitely many arcs possible to this purpose, we define our desired arc as the one whose center of radius lies on the y-axis of the vehicle’s coordinate frame. The curvature of the arc can then be calculated with the equation in the picture below. Finally, the required steering angle was set to be proportional to this curvature, subject to a scaling factor KP, just as a P controller where the gain KP can be tuned to obatin desired performance.
- Publish the desired steering angle and speed to the vehicle.
More technical details can be found in the below prompt document:
My source codes for this lab can be found on github through this link.
The lecture video can be found below:
F1Tenth Autonomous Racing Cars - Lab 4 (Reactive Planner "Follow the Gap")
During the Spring 2021 semester, I joined the F1Tenth team at Penn to conduct an interest project on multi-vehicle coordination. To get prepared for the project, I self-learned and completed Lab 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6 of the “F1Tenth” course.
This post contains my results for Lab 4, where a reactive planning method for obstable avoidance “Follow the Gap” is implemented for the race car so that it can avoid obstacles and complete a loop of the Levine Hall smoothly. See the video below for a demonstration of the reactive planner:
The big picture of the algorithm is shown below:
My customized implementation of the algorithm can be summarized in the following steps:
- Obtain laser scans and preprocess them: Since the laser scan data will be accompanied with noises and potential “nan” or “inf” values, I first clip the laser scan data into a range of [0, range_max] (range_max is provided by the lidar message itself, indicating the maximum valid laser scan data). Then I used a sliding window of size 5 to obtain average values of the laser scan data, which could help with eliminating the noises.
- Find the closest point in the lidar scan data: In this step I use the preprocessed lidar scan data to find the closest point in the vehicle’s front of view (between -70 and 70 degrees).
- Draw a safety “bubble” around this closest point and set all points inside this “bubble” to 0. All other non-zero points are now considered “gaps” or “free space”.
- Find the max length “gap”, in other words, the largest number of consecutive non-zero elements in the processed lidar scan data array.
- Find the best goal point in this gap. This is defined to be the furthest point away in the gap. In the case of multiple points sharing the same distance, the one that is at the smallest absolute angle to the vehicle’s frame will be chosen as the goal point.
- Actuate the car to move towards this goal point.
More technical details can be found in the below prompt document:
My source codes for this lab can be found on github through this link.
The lecture video can be found below:
F1Tenth Autonomous Racing Cars - Lab 3 (Wall Following with PID Controller)
During the Spring 2021 semester, I joined the F1Tenth team at Penn to conduct an interest project on multi-vehicle coordination. To get prepared for the project, I self-learned and completed Lab 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6 of the “F1Tenth” course.
This post contains my results for Lab 3, where a PID controller for wall following is implemented for the race car so that it can follow the inner walls of the Levine Hall and complete a loop smoothly. See the video below for a demonstration of the wall follower:
I calculated the vehicle’s distance to the wall from its 2d-lidar scan information, this is done by using the 2d-lidar scan data from two directions as shown below:
I then applied PID control to its steering wheels to maintain the desired distance.
where the error term e(t) is the difference between the desired wall distance and the actual wall distance calculated previously. I also introduced a “distance delay” in order to account for time delay between perception and control. More technical details can be found in the below prompt document:
However, given the nature of a single PID controller, I have to tune the parameter precisely so that the car can complete a loop. If the parameters are not well tuned, it is very likely that the controller would fail in some edge cases. See the failed case here:
In fact, even if the parameters have been well tuned, this simple controller could still fail in some extreme cases. Therefore, I am going to explore more sophisticated Planning and Control methods in the future labs.
My source codes for this lab can be found on github through this link.
The lecture video can be found below:
F1Tenth Autonomous Racing Cars - Lab 2 (Automatic Emergency Braking)
During the Spring 2021 semester, I joined the F1Tenth team at Penn to conduct an interest project on multi-vehicle coordination. To get prepared for the project, I self-learned and completed Lab 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6 of the “F1Tenth” course.
This post contains my results for Lab 2, where an automatic emergency brake is implemented for the race car so that it will be stopped before crashing into anything. See the video below for a demonstration of the automatic emergency brake:
I predicted the vehicle’s time to collision (TTC) in all directions with its current motion (from its odometry information) and its distance to obstacles (from the 2d-lidar scan information). The automatic emergency brake will stop the vehicle if the minimum TTC is below a certain threshold. The slides below shows the equation for calculating TTC:
More technical details can be found in the below prompt document:
My source codes for this lab can be found on github through this link.
The lecture video can be found below:
F1Tenth Autonomous Racing Cars - Lab 1 (Introduction to ROS)
During the Spring 2021 semester, I joined the F1Tenth team at Penn to conduct an interest project on multi-vehicle coordination. To get prepared for the project, I self-learned and completed Lab 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6 of the “F1Tenth” course. This post contains my results for Lab 1, where the general concepts of ROS are discussed and explored.
The prompt document for this lab can be found below:
Here are my answers to the questions:
My source codes for this lab can be found on github through this link.
Island Beach State Park, New Jersey, USA, 2021 Winter Break Trip
During the winter break between Dec. 2020 and Jan. 2021, I went on a short day trip to New Jersey to see the Atlantic. Despite the cold weather, the Island Beach State Park has fascinating scenaries and is definitely a suitable place to visit while maintaining social distancing.
Lane Detection for Autonomous Driving
This is the open-ended final project I conducted for the course CIS 581 “Computer Vision & Computational Photography” at the University of Pennsylvania. My collaborators on this project are Han Shao, and Ying Yang.
For the general information and demonstration of results for this project, please see the following video:
More technical information is introduced in this report:
I am currently working on integrating this work to realize autonomous driving in CARLA, while designing and implementing a planner and controller to complete the loop.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
I live in Philadelphia for my Master’s degree in Robotics at the University of Pennsylvania. In spite of the global pandemic of COVID 19, I still got a few chances to wander around the city of Philadelphia and take photos to record my moment here.
Creating Digital Twin Models for Tobacco Drying Processes
This is the capstone design project I conducted for the course VE 450 at Shanghai Jiao Tong University. My collaborators on this project are Shiyu Liu, Mengtian Guo, Tianchun Huang, and Jingyu Su.
The goal of project “Creating Digital Twin Models for Tobacco Drying Processes” is to develop multiple models for the tobacco drying process that could be combined and cross-validated with each other. When travelling through the rotary dryer, the tobacco leaves are heated by air flow through the cylinder and by conduction of heat from the dryer walls. There are a couple of controllable variables in this process: the air moisture content, the air temperature and speed insidethe cylinder, the rotation speed of the dryer, and the temperature on the cylinder walls. Furthermore, the mass of tobacco leaves inside the dryer, the initial moisture content and temperature propagated from the previous manufacturing process, are also influential to the resulting tobacco moisture content. Referring to the prior works and approaches for modeling industrial drying process, we extend our study with three methods, first principle modeling, data driven modeling, and finite element analysis. Our main objective is to exploit the correlation between the output moisture content in tobacco leaves and the factors involved in the manufacturing process through the above modeling approaches. These models need to provide good fit to the data collected from the real manufacturing environment, and they should be cross-validated with each other. An accurate and robust digital twin makes it more efficient to try out possible improvements on the system of interest, and make performance evaluations within shorter time span and lower cost.
An obstacle we have to tackle with is that, to the best of our knowledge, a tobacco drying process model with sound theoretical base has not yet been published in literature or applied under an industrial setup. We therefore have limited access to the existing methods presented on this topic, nevertheless, this is where our novelty lies in. Over the years, the tobacco drying process relies on manual control. Although PID controllers are widely applied to adjust variables such as vapor pressure, and temperature on the dryer walls, they are proved to be less efficient than trial and error in terms of top level implementations that accommodates the entire drying process. The reason primarily stands out is the time delay of the dryer system, which makes it impossible for conventional PID controllers to get real time response as feedback. During recent years, machine learning has been extensively applied to numerous tasks and achieved significant performance gains. We have noticed several works that employs ANN or deep neural based approaches to optimize the operational flow in drying process. In this project, we would like to exploit the modeling task from this direction. Finite element analysis (FEA) is frequently adopted in modeling works, which provides reliable results and pleasuring visualization without the need to address the dynamics from the aspect of mathematical/physical principles. So far, there hasn’t been a tobacco drying related work using FEA for modeling. We think this is an interesting field to explore, and the modeling results from FEA can provide valuable sources for cross-validation.
Requirements & Engineering Specifications
Relevant information was collected from various sources including literature review, benchmarking products and interviews with stakeholders, Dr. Siqi Zhu from Hangzhou AIMS, Inc. Key challenges of this project lie in the demand of high accuracy of the models.
Concept Generation
Figure 3. shows our concept map for this project. Our concept generation process is driven by the customer requirements, referring to how can we solve the problem and meet all the requirements.
There are mainly three parts in the concept map. The blue part specifies the concepts related to methods. The core idea of our method is to build a function that predicts the output tobacco moisture content based on system parameters. We came up with sub-concepts, first principle, data driven, and finite element analysis, indicating major directions we may try to build the target function. We then refer to literature in those directions and generate more detailed concepts such as LSTM for data driven.
Another critical part in our concept map is applicability in industry, which is colored in green. Since this project is highly related to industrial products, we introduces the concept of applicability, which further means fast response of the model and an option task to design a controller that will relate the model with actual production. One major concern of applicability is reliability. Three concepts including stability, noise rejection, and cross referencing related to reliability are then generated.
Final Design
Our final design includes three parts:
First Principle Based Method
We employ discretization in first principle modeling, which splits the whole rotary dryer into N control volumes. The output of one control volume becomes the input of the next and we assume that there are no changes on drying conditions and characteristics of gas and particles in each discretized unit. To describe the drying process happens in the ith unit, we take heat and mass transfer into consideration and derive four major equations. Those four equations connect the (i + 1)th control volume with the ith one, and we solve for quantities such as temperature and moisture in the (i + 1)th control volume based on the system of equations.
Finite Element Analysis Method
Due to the limitation imposed by the Finite Element Analysis method and the problem setup, we could not simulate the real situation where thousands of tobacco leaves moves inside a cylindrical roller. Therefore, we made a major simplification to the simulation: we fix the tobacco leaves in the cylindrical roller, that is, we keep the tobacco leaves stationary and pass hot air through the roller. Although this will result in deviations from the real scenario where the tobacco leaf travels through the roller, experiencing different evaporation rates at different time stamps, the simplified case should still be able to give us a reasonable understanding of the drying process and predict the general trend. We set a target tobacco leaf to be of our main interest and we place it in the middle of the roller to obtain the most averaged result. Two strips of tobacco leaves are placed at each side of the target tobacco leaf to simulate the influence of surrounding leaves to it. Since tobacco leaves are continuously supplied during operation and they occupy almost the whole length of the roller, the two strips of tobacco leaves span across almost the entire roller. Considering that the gaps between the target tobacco leaf and the tobacco leaf strips are small, the effect of them could be neglected. After verification with simulations, we simplify the model to the one shown below with a single long tobacco leaf strip. In this case, the target result becomes the moisture content at the center location of the tobacco leaf strip.
Another major simplification is the size of the roller: it is brought down to 0.25m in length and 0.05m in diameter for the 2D model instead of the true size which is 10m in length and 3m in diameter. This is due to the limited computing power we have. Since we keep the target tobacco leaf true to size, the roller would be thousands of times larger than the tobacco leaves in size, this will require incredible long time to run the simulation. Therefore, we change the roller to a smaller size. We note that this change in size will also create deviations from the actual scenario, but the simplification is necessary for the completion of the Finite Element Analysis simulation.
With an understanding of the system physics, we propose 4 Physics modules to simulate the dynamics inside the drying process: Laminar Flow, Heat Transfer in Fluids, Transport of Diluted Species: Liquid Water, and Transport of Diluted Species: Water Vapor.
Laminar Flow module simulates the flow of the hot air over the roller’s wall as well as the tobacco leaves. Laminar flow instead of turbulent flow is selected here because the Reynolds number Re = 203397 < 500000. Since the pressure has great impact on the rate of evaporation for water vapor, the simulation of air flow is important.
Heat Transfer module simulates the heat transfer between the hot air, the tobacco leaves, and the roller wall. It also simulates the heat transfer inside the materials themselves. Since the temperature has great impact on the rate of evaporation for water vapor, the evaluation of the heat transfer is essential.
Transport of Diluted Species: Liquid Water simulates the movement of liquid water inside the tobacco leaves. The concentration of liquid water is also influential on the rate of evaporation for water vapor, so this module is nonnegligible.
Transport of Diluted Species: Water Vapor is the essential module in this model because the drying of the tobacco leaves is achieved through the evaporation of water vapor.
These four Physics modules are coupled in COMSOL Multiphysics to perform simulations. The laminar flow is first simulated using stationary solver to achieve the equilibrium state, the other three modules are then solved by time dependent solver. The simulation time is set to be the estimated travel time of a tobacco leaf inside the roller, which is 366 s. The resulting water saturation, or moisture content of the target tobacco leaf is then the desired result of the simulation.
Data-driven Methods
Here we implemented a model based on Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) neural network that can predict the output moisture content at the next timestamp given any timestamp with its previous outputs and parameters. The metric we used to evaluate the model is the average relative error between the predicted outputs and actual outputs from test data sets. An overview of the final design is shown in the flow chart below. The procedure includes preprocessing the data, training the model, and validating the result.
General Validation Process
Each model is validated by inputting the parameters in the provided data set and comparing the resulting output value with the ground truth data. The resulting computed accuracy of the models should stay within the engineering specifications defined above. Other engineering specifications are also validated to be satisfied where appropriate.
Performance (by simulation)
The models were generally able to meet the specifications as shown below.
Future Improvements
First Principle Based Method
The design based on physical dynamics of the drying process requires the knowledge of the tobacco physical properties, heat and mass transfer characteristics, and the motion dynamics caused by the rotation of the drum. Since this project is at its initial phase, we are not provided with data that can only be acquired through experiments in lab. Thereby, our model heavily relies on parameters and empirical equations stated in literature we referred to. We also make assumptions on dimensions and other physical properties of the rotary drum due to the lack of measured data. During the implementation process of our first principle based model, we find that an accurate description on the physical properties and motion dynamics is very essential to build a digital twin model close enough to the real manufacturing process. We hence recommend the project team to verify the property data with experiments in lab and measurements in factory as future efforts to further enhance the accuracy and robustness of the model.
Finite Element Analysis Method
Similar to the first principle based method, the Finite Element Analysis model heavily relies on the parameters assumed or stated in literature we referred to. The variation of these parameters can create large variations in the simulation results. Therefore, it is important and recommended to verify the property data with experiments in lab and measurements in factory to further enhance the accuracy and robustness of the model. Furthermore, due to the limited computing power, the FEA model is only implemented for the roller with reduced size. If additional computing power is available, it is recommended to run the simulation with the roller true to size, which will provide more reliable results.
Data-driven Method
Neural network is not the only method to deal with such kind of problem, traditional machine learning methods including K-Nearest Neighbours (KNN) and Random Forest or traditional statistical methods such as Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) model can also be used to solve the regression problem. In our experiments, KNN leads to comparable result to LSTM model, while the model is still not fine tuned. Therefore, after tuning these models, better results could appear. Furthermore, since these models are theoretically different, they may not result in the same kind of bias as the LSTM model. A better method in the end would be an ensemble model which consists of several model like the Random Forest Regression, which gives a promising result without much fine-tuning as follows:
Another model that can be explored is the ExtraTrees Regressor, which is an enhanced version of Random Forest algorithm that introduces randomness into feature splitting. However in our practice, this model shows a strong sign of overfitting, so its feasibility will need further examination.
Model Integration and Future Efforts
In this project, we propose to solve the modeling task in a multi-directional manner, with each method having its own features and limitations. First principle based modeling has a robust nature since the heat and mass transfer properties are studied in the dynamic system involving gas-particle flow, whereas it cannot predict the output moisture content in tobacco leaves with high precision. Finite element analysis provides appealing and straightforward visualization that monitors the real-time status of the tobacco particles inside the drum, while this method suffers from expensive computations, and it does not take the complex particle motions into consideration. Data-driven method learns to predict the outlet tobacco moisture by investigating the correlations among measurements in the industrial environment, and gives the most accurate and precise results we have so far. However, the model is likely to fail once the manufacturing conditions are changed.
Model integration is a possible next-step for this project, where a strategy to post-process the results given by our models is studied. It can be as simple as finding the mean of these values; or as complicated as training neural networks that predicts on the weights to be assigned to each model and eventually calculate the weighted average as the final result. Moreover, the cross-validation between the established models can provide more comprehensive examinations on the capability of the models developed from each direction. The existing data we have only varies within a small margin, while cross-validation extrapolates the manufacturing conditions to a broader range. Though we are not able to finish this part within the time span of the project, it is genuinely an interesting field to exploit as future work.
The figure below demonstrates our rough idea on how our modeling work could contribute to product quality improvements by optimizing the manufacturing process. The digital twin models can provide a platform for the vast searching and trials among the rational range of inputs and controllable variables. Each of these models will be assigned to a weight as described above, thus the outlet tobacco moisture content can be calculated under every given condition. The data recording the conditions and corresponding results will form a dictionary, which can be referred to when the input variables and target output moisture content are known. In this way, the optimal values of the controllable variables can be found, and eventually deployed to lower-level controllers to confine the outlet tobacco moisture content within a small error margin.
Our project aims to create digital twin models for the tobacco drying process, a task rarely explored by either the industry or the academia. Referring to the existing methods that have been adopted in related industries, we propose three approaches: first-principle modeling, data-driven modeling, and finite element analysis. From the perspectives of first principle based modeling, FEA, and data-driven modeling, discrete element method, 2-D FEA, and LSTM network demonstrate the best compatibility to the design requirements respectively. We therefore adopt the selected approaches to develop our final design. All of the three models reach satisfying relative errors (7.03% for first-principle, 9.45% for FEA, and 0.11% for data-driven) that is lower than the engineering specifications. However, each of the three models also has its own limitations, e.g. the FEA simulation makes significant simplifications and there is unsolved problem related to heat transfer in first-principle based modeling. Further improvements are needed and assembling the three models to reach a more reliable model will be an interesting future work. In summary, our project meets the main requirements of developing accurate models for tobacco drying process using three distinct methods.
Our major contribution in this project is to build up a framework for drying process modeling in tobacco industry. To the best of our knowledge, there is no existing work that provide a systematic view of the drying modeling using the three proposed methods. Our work can therefore provide reference for future drying process modeling. The methods we used can be extended to other drying process such as the modeling of the moisture change of tobacco bulk.
We would like to acknowledge our sponsor Zhiqi Zhu from AIMS, and instructors Shouhang Bo, Mian Li, Chong Han, and Jigang Wu from SJTU-JI for their kind help along the way. They have faced with more obstacles than us during this semester while still provided our team with timely suggestions during lectures and meetings. Even though the modeling project requires a large amount of knowledge basis on fluid dynamics and thermodynamics, which most of us are not familiar with, we learnt a lot from this project and on how to overcome challenges. We would like to extend our gratitude to every team member’s contribution and to sponsor’s and instructors’ support.
SAE Aero Design East (M-Fly Aerodynamics Sub-team)
This is a student team project I joined for two years when I was at the University of Michigan. The student project team was called the M-Fly Student Aero Design Team. It was a fun, strong and passionate team where we collaborated well in an organized manner.
The following are the two aircrafts that I was mainly involved in designing during my two years on the team.
I worked on the M-11 as a member of the aerodynamics team of the aircraft, where I mostly learned and worked with Forster Guo, the aerodynamics lead at that time.
During my second year on the team, I was elected as the aerodynamics lead for the M-12. Therefore, I taught and led a sub-team to design the aerodynamics aspects of this new plane throughout the year.
I am going to introduce the aerodynamics design of the M-12 below since this is the aircraft that I am mostly responsible for and spent the most time on as well. This is also the first biplane at this size on the team’s history as well! We were all excited that it successfully flew a few rounds during the 2020 SAE Aero Design East competition in Lakeland, FL.
Critical to M-Fly’s performance at SAE Aero Design East 2020 is the ability of the M-12 to record three flight rounds carrying 22 lbs of boxed payload and one spherical payload. Additionally critical to the team’s success is its ability to score within the top five teams in the design report and presentation respectively to maintain competitiveness with the other teams.
Overall Design Layout & Size
The M-12 is a bi-wing aircraft with its bottom wing positioned low, and its upper wing placed high above the fuselage and staggered forward of the bottom wing. Both wings utilize the Selig S1223 airfoil, and its planform and taper were designed to maximize payload weight capacity and to reduce wingspan given the maximum static thrust available. The conventional empennage layout was seleced to aid in manufacturability and due to weight savings over alternatives. The vertical and horizontal portions of the tail employ the NACA 0012 symmetric airfoil. A 199 Kv electric motor that produces 15.65 lbs of static thrust with its 24 in by 16 in wooden propeller is used along with a tricycle configured landing gear system.
Optimization and Sensitivity Analysis
Initial sizing of the M-12 was conducted based on data from past years, initial model estimations from AVL, as well as wingspan and configuration analysis. A biplane configuration was predicted to generate a higher flight score than a monoplane configuration. Further, sensitivity of the potential flight score was analyzed against the wingspan, and reached zero when the wingspan is 8.5 ft, maximizing the M-12’s score. The M-12 was then optimized through trade studies and performance analysis on each design variation, as shown below.
Design Features & Details
Airfoil Selection
Around 30 high-lift airfoils were selected from Airfoil Tools and considered for the M-12. Out of them, three airfoils were selected to be the final candidates for the M-12. These were compared with their Clmax, L/Dmax and stall angle as shown in Table 1. Each airfoil was put into the team’s takeoff prediction code and analyzed with the other conditions set constant. The S1223 airfoil was found to require the shortest takeoff distance and was thus picked as the airfoil for the M-12.
Configuration & Wing Design
A top view of an M-12 wing is shown below, and the parameters of it are summarized in the table below.
The high-lift and short runway requirements encouraged the team to consider a biplane configuration for the M-12. Since the wingspan is also involved in the scoring equation, a scoring analysis was conducted for both the monoplane and biplane configurations at different wingspans. The analysis was based on the planform area determined from the chosen design point of the constraint plot shown later, and the results are shown below, which indicates that the M-12 will achieve the highest score at 8.5 ft wingspan with a biplane configuration.
The team then analyzed stagger, taper, twist and incidence angle of the wings using AVL. A stagger of 0.1 m between the top and bottom wing was found to maximize the lift coefficient through AVL analysis and was thus chosen for the M-12. Trade studies were then performed on taper ratio and taper start position. In order to maximize the lift coefficient, L/D, and efficiency while maintaining a manufacturable chord size, the taper ratio was chosen to be 0.70 and begins adjacent to the fuselage. As sweep would only be beneficial for flight at the transonic regime, it was ruled out due to the aircraft’s low expected flight Mach Number. Geometric twist was not considered for ease of manufacturability.
The control surfaces were sized using the team’s historical data and a trade study at the banked turn stage. In order to achieve small aileron deflection, the team selected ailerons located from 50% to 90% of the half span, while occupying about 30% of the chord on average. Ailerons were designed on both sets of wings and are controlled separately to allow for aileron differential that reduces yawing moments generated by the ailerons.
The conventional tail and the T-tail configurations were considered for the M-12. The conventional tail is advantageous due to its historical credibility, ease of manufacturing, lighter structural weight and because it is less affected by wing wake, while the T-tail could reduce downwash on the horizontal stabilizer due to the biplane configuration. After comparison from simulations in AVL, the two types of tails were found to provide similar performances on efficiency, L/D, and control surface deflection. In order to achieve better manufacturability and weight savings, the conventional tail was chosen for the M-12 over the T-tail.
Trade studies were then performed on the empennage sizing in order to obtain the most efficient configuration. The tail boom length was chosen to be 4.65 ft to provide a large enough rotation angle of 17.5 degrees. Based on historical tail volume coefficients on the team, the horizontal and vertical stabilizers were sized using the tail coefficient method. Both stabilizers are untapered and unswept for ease of manufacturing.
The elevator and rudder are both 50% of the chord and span the length of their respective stabilizer. The tail has an incidence angle of 2 degrees to reduce the required control surface deflection for maneuvers.
Loads & Environments, Assumptions
Design Load Derivations
The maximum expected lift forces on the fuselage, wing, and empennage during flight and the maximum forces on the tail boom were analyzed using AVL. The load factor of the M-12 is plotted against its speed below.
Environmental Considerations
The aircraft has a limited operational temperature based on the ratings of the ESC and Li-Po battery as well as air density, which is temperature-dependent and impacts maximum payload capacity. The M-12’s electronics are rated for 0°F to 113°F, and operating outside of this range incurs a power drop of around 50%. Analysis of historical weather data in Lakeland, Florida in early March leads the team to expect a temperature range between 56°F and 82°F, which is firmly within the safe operating range for the electronics. The aircraft’s UltraCote covering will prevent structural and electronics damage in the presence of high humidity, fog, and/or light precipitation. Adhesive tape is used to seal hatches and attachment points to protect internal systems. Greater precipitation and other inclement weather may damage the electronics or compromise the structural integrity of the airframe. High winds are also a concern, and vertical gusts of up to 15 ft/s are taken into account in the flight envelope as shown in the figure above.
Performance Analysis
Flight & Maneuver Performance
The flight performance parameters of the M-12 are calculated and estimated by MATLAB and AVL, and the results are summarized in the table below.
The M-12 has a CLmax of 1.50, which occurs at a stall angle of 10 degrees. These values are determined by running AVL at trimmed cruise conditions and increasing the angle of attack until any section of the wing reaches a sectional lift coefficient greater than CLmax of the S1223 airfoil at the cruise Reynolds number of 500000. While the stall angle is rather low, the team is confident that the actual stall angle is higher based off historical data. Additionally, wing manufacturing can produce imperfections on the leading edge, which may trip the air flow to turbulent and in turn help delay separation and stall.
The drag polar of the M-12 was computed and constructed from AVL, as shown in the figure below. The cruise L/D was then extracted from the drag polar to be 6.87. The Oswald efficiency factor is estimated to be 0.65 at trimmed cruise condition.
The Trefftz plot of the M-12 at trimmed cruise condition is shown in the figure below.
The M-12 power requirement was calculated for various stages of flight to ensure that the aircraft is capable of completing a flight round at competition while carrying the maximum predicted payload. Weight, climb rate, air density, velocity, reference wing area, parasitic drag, induced drag factor, and bank angle in radians are taken into account to determine power requirements which were used to produce the operational flight envelope shown in the figure below. As shown in the figure, the M-12’s propulsion system provides necessary power to satisfy all major flight stages in its fully loaded configuration.
The thrust-to-weight ratio and wing loading constraints for stall, takeoff, climb, and cruise stages are shown in the following figure. It is indicated that the design point selected from preliminary sizing and subsequent system optimization satisfy the flight stage requirements.
Dynamic & Static Stability
Stability was the priority for the M-12 design to ensure a safe flight. The empty weight static margin of the M-12 is 37.7% and the fully load static margin of it is 31%, which ensures the longitudinal stability of the plane during flights.
With the goal of achieving Level 1 dynamic stability in all modes as defined by the CooperHarper scale, the dynamic stability of the M-12 was also analyzed using AVL’s eigenmode analysis. Results are shown in the table below. M-Fly has historically found that AVL’s spiral mode is inaccurate as the team has not had trouble with spiral instability in the past, so the spiral mode was not considered here. Since the M-12 achieves Level 1 stability in all modes, pilot compensation would not be required to maintain steady level flight.
Lifting Performance, Payload Prediction, and Margin
The lifting performance of the M-12 is presented in the payload prediction plot as shown below, taking into account density altitude, thrust, coefficient of lift and airspeed velocity. The M-12 was modeled at trimmed cruise stage at several density altitude conditions, and the lift performance was calculated by AVL. At sea level, the maximum expected payload is 22 lbs.
The M-12 is a bi-wing configured aircraft using a conventional tail that has been designed to place at the top of the 2020 SAE Aero Design East competition. The aircraft has the capacity to carry one spherical payload and up to 22 lbs of boxed steel payload, leading the team to believe it will be competitive in flight rounds and in other portions of the competition.
Although the M-12 eventually did not come to the top due to power losses of the propulsion system that could not be fixed during the competition, it successfully flew a few rounds in the air and proved the feasibility of our design.
California Zephyr, 2020 Winter Break Trip
During the winter break between Dec. 2019 and Jan. 2020, I went on a great trip across the US: starting from Michigan, I went to Illinois, took a train (the California Zephyr) to California, then drove to Nevada, Utah, and in the end Arizona. This trip took us 18 days and we found great joy in it, especially in photography.
This is a reprinted travel journel about the California Zephyr from my friend that traveled with me, Junjie Luo. He wrote it in Chinese so it will also be in Chinese here.
California Zephyr,即加州和风号列车,是往返于伊利诺伊州芝加哥市和加利福尼亚州旧金山市近郊的长途旅客列车。目前的加州和风号为多家铁路公司的长途特快旅客列车合并联营而来,由美铁(Amtrak)经营。列车经由伊利诺伊州,爱荷华州,内布拉斯加州,科罗拉多州,犹他州,内华达州,和加利福尼亚州,贯穿美国中西部和西海岸地区,全程3924千米(2438英里),用时约52小时,是美铁旗下运行线路最长的城际列车之一[1]。
列车穿越大平原,洛基山脉,科罗拉多河谷,内华达山脉等地,沿途风景优美壮丽[1],可以看到不同的景观,因此一直以来都是笔者非常想要体验的列车。但苦于没有合适的机会,一直未能成行。正巧今年(2019年)寒假没有回国的安排,就约了同学一同去加州玩,暂时逃离密西根州的严寒。假期的时间相对比较充足,我们决定选择不那么快节奏的交通方式,放弃了飞机,选择了长时间的火车。由于加州和风号的观光性质,车票会比较紧张,特别是卧铺车票。如果有乘坐的打算,建议尽早购票。由于秋季学期学业繁忙,我们在出行前一个月左右才确定了行程,并且很幸运的买到了最后一张Superliner Roomette(加州和风号的席位之一,将会在之后的行程中介绍)的票,得以踏上三天两夜的火车行程。
作为购买了卧铺车票的乘客,我们可以免费使用美铁的 Metropolitan Lounge,类似于商务候车室。可惜之前列车晚点,我们没有太多的时间来体验,只是进去转了一圈,没有拍太多照片。
在此简单讲一下列车的编组,列车的编组并非完全固定,但形式上大致上遵循两台P42DC柴油机车+1节行李车+4节双层卧铺车+1节餐车+1节观景车+3节坐席车。(其中可能包含坐席行李,坐席餐吧合造车)[1] 在此也放一张之前在芝加哥拍车时拍到的加州和风号的照片,希望可以对编组有一个更加直观的感觉。
不同车厢的连接通道和大多数房间位于车厢上层。整个上层大概有一半空间都是我们所乘坐的狭小的双人间(10间),叫做Superliner Roomette。
Superliner Roomette这个席位的房间包含上下两张纵向的床铺,其中上铺可向上翻起,下铺由两张可拼合的椅子组成。由于自己的房间放了很多东西,所以部分图片借用了隔壁相同配置的空房间拍摄。(当然卧铺车票是全部售罄的,向列车员确认了,隔壁房间只是暂时空着)
上层的另一侧是较大的双人间Superliner Bedroom,两间Superliner Bedroom中间有门,可以组合成套间(Suite)。笔者进入了其中一间空着的房间,拍摄了一些照片。和我们住的小房间相比,大房间内的空间大很多。其中有两张横向的卧铺,一张椅子,一个卫生间,一个洗漱台。这样的配置显然比我们的小房间豪华不少,当然价格也会高不少。顺带一提这个双人间的下铺是可以睡两个人的,如果实在有需要的话可以变成三人间。
行李存放处的旁边就是车门。注意那个黄色的小板凳,是美铁标配的站台补偿器( ̄▽ ̄)*
经过一番思考,笔者点了牛排(THE AMTRAK SIGNATURE STEAK),味道还是非常不错的。
随着深入山区,线路经过的隧道也不断增多。其中比较有名的一个是Moffat隧道,这个十千米长的隧道极大的减少翻越Rollins pass的路程(由于没有找到中文译名,所以保留了英文)[4]。列车在途经这些观景点的时候,都会有相应的解说。
夕阳西下,又到了用餐的时间。这一次晚餐,我们没有去餐车用餐,而是选择了让列车员把我们点好的餐点送至房间来。这一次,笔者点了Land & Sea Combo,翻译成中文的话大概是海陆套餐。如此高端的名字背后,也只是比昨天的牛排多了个蟹饼而已。不过既然不要钱,多吃一些也挺好。味道的话,一如既往的不错。
晚上十一点左右,列车还算正点的到达盐湖城。顺便一提,到达盐湖城之前的一段路风光也是非常不错的,不过我们的列车是在夜色中经过。乘坐东行列车的话可以看到这一段的风景。这一段经过士兵山峰(Soldier Summit)的线路比较有名,被收录在了TS游戏里(游戏里有加州和风号的任务,不过用的还是上一代列车的编组)。
之后又去餐车吃了午饭。由于去的比较晚,到的时候有的菜品已经卖完了,于是点了一个蒸贝(Steamed Mussels)。味道比较普通,不过遇到了在同一桌吃饭的热情大叔和老爷爷,向列车员借来了一种酱,撒上之后味道变得好吃很多。
i. 关于买票。笔者是在Amtrak的官方app上购买的,购买后会收到电子票,打印出来去车站出示即可。电子票如下。
ii. 请准备一些现金,方便给小费。吃饭的时候和最后下车的时候按情理要给列车员小费。
iii. 车上没有WiFi,旅途中很多地方也是收不到手机信号的。可能年轻人不太能够接受这种生活,乘车的大多数是中老年人。然后也请尽量不要将需要网络的重要工作留到列车上做,毕竟随时可能断网。如果不是很能耐得住没有网络的寂寞的话,请提前准备好合适的娱乐方式。
iv. 之前也讲到过每个房间只有一个插座,可以考虑准备插线板。同时也可以询问列车员附近有没有可以用来充电的空房间。
v. 由于线路质量等等原因,车总体是比较晃的,在车内行走请注意安全,特别是通过车厢连接处的时候。
vi. 在终点站下车之后可以乘坐美铁的巴士去旧金山市中心,不用再换乘其他公共交通了。购买巴士票时出示火车票可以有折扣。
vii. 非常抱歉这次没有进入到坐席车内去拍照,如果需要了解坐席相关的情况可以去下面的美铁官网链接。
viii. 希望我的这篇文章能够或多或少的将旅行的风景展现给大家,也能给大家的出行带来一些帮助。非常感谢大家一路阅读到了这里,非常抱歉占用了大家的时间。如果有什么问题的话欢迎在评论里或者私信来询问,笔者会尽力回答。文章中的错误也非常欢迎指出。
Glovebox Pressure Control System for Redox Flow Battery
This is the capstone design project I conducted for the course ME 450 at the University of Michigan. My collaborators on this project are Tiantian Li, Junjie Luo, and Haoze Hu.
The goal of project “Glovebox Pressure Control System for Redox Flow Battery” is to develop a pressure sensing and control system that will maintain the pressure of a glovebox between variable set limits with automated gas inlet/exit valves. This system is intended to help the Kwabi lab at the University of Michigan create a platform for the testing of novel chemistries for redox-flow batteries that are sensitive to atmosphere.
Requirements & Engineering Specifications
Relevant information was collected from various sources including literature review, benchmarking products and interviews with researchers from the Kwabi lab. The requirements and engineering specifications of the pressure sensing and control system are thus extrapolated and can be categorized into operation, safety and user related requirements. Key challenges of this project lie in the high-accuracy and high-resolution (±0.1 mbar) sensing and regulating of pressure in a low range of 0 – 20 mbar.
Concept Generation
Concepts generation process used two major methods, concept map and physical decomposition. Concept map helped incorporate broad aspects around the pressure control goal. Influencing aspects are connected and different traits of aspects are distinguished with colors. One important part of the concept map is the actuation methods to control the pressure. From the ideal gas law, pressure control can be changed with the amount of gas, volume and temperature. From these three directions, three concepts are developed. Physical decomposition helped break the complex systems into separate subsystems, including sensor, control, power and actuation. Actuation system are decomposed for each concept. These concepts are then evaluated with a Pugh chart, and the method to control the inflow and outflow of the gas with electronic valves are selected as the final solution with its high feasibility and potentially low cost.
Final Design
Our final design uses electric valves (flow coefficients Cv = 0.08 & 0.6) to control the gas in flow and out flow, and an on-off feedback control algorithm was performed using a pressure sensor and the Arduino board. Through engineering analysis, formula was generated to simulate the system behavior, which were used to select the flow coefficients of the electric valves and verify the engineering specifications.
General Validation Process
A full validation plan was developed for physical prototypes, and key specifications were validated virtually through performance simulation, including the disturbance rejection induced from glove movement volume change.
Performance (by simulation)
The system was able to meet the specifications under reasonably slow glove movements.
Future Improvements
In order to achieve faster glove movements, necessary improvements may be made to the system. There are two potential methods to solve this problem. The first method is to use an electric valve with changeable Cv value. When the difference between the current pressure and the desired pressure is big, the electric valve will work at high Cv value. As the current pressure is approaching the desired value, Cv value will be correspondingly decreasing to less than 0.1 for stability and accuracy. Accordingly, the program should be improved to control Cv value in real time based on the difference between the current pressure and the desired pressure. Although the electric valve with changeable Cv value works better, it costs much more.
If budget is limited, the second method can be considered: adding a pump to the pressure control system. The purpose of the pump is similar to what is discussed in the first method. When the difference between the current pressure and the desired pressure is large, the pump will be turned on to accelerate gas absorption/exhaustion. When the current pressure is close to the desired pressure, the pump will be shut down for stability and accuracy. Also, the program should be improved to control the pump in real time based on the difference between the current pressure and the desired pressure. In this case, the pump’s delay time should also be considered in the program. Compared with the former one, this method is cheaper, but the circuit will be more complex, and more parameters are introduced to the system (the pump’s delay time).
In general, this project achieves the pressure control function available in advanced and expensive glovebox workstations, which is built upon regular glovebox containers with a relatively low cost. It is a useful solution for the labs who need pressure-controlled testing environment but have restricted budgets.
We want to express our great appreciation to all those who contributed to the success of this project, including the team 09 members, our classmates in Section 05 who offered us useful suggestions, Heather and other Professors of ME 450 who taught us valuable knowledge and supported us, Professor Kaviany who met with us weekly to guide and help us, as well as Professor Kwabi and Mr. Modak who offered us this opportunity to work on the project and provided us with wonderful advises and questions along the way. Thank you very much for your help and it has been a pleasure working with you.
Arizona, USA, 2020 Winter Break Trip
During the winter break between Dec. 2019 and Jan. 2020, I went on a great trip across the US: starting from Michigan, I went to Illinois, took a train (the California Zephyr) to California, then drove to Nevada, Utah, and in the end Arizona. This trip took us 18 days and we found great joy in it, especially in photography.
We spent a total of 6 days in Arizona, including 1 day at Page, 3 days at the Grand Canyon, and 2 days at Phoenix. I have only posted the photos at the Grand Canyon for now. I will update the others in the future.
Utah, USA, 2020 Winter Break Trip
During the winter break between Dec. 2019 and Jan. 2020, I went on a great trip across the US: starting from Michigan, I went to Illinois, took a train (the California Zephyr) to California, then drove to Nevada, Utah, and in the end Arizona. This trip took us 18 days and we found great joy in it, especially in photography.
We spent a total of 2 days in Utah, most of which were spent on in the Monument Valley. It is one of the locations where the film “Forest Gump” was shot. The geology there was unique and beautiful: definitely a meaningful place to visit for a trip.
Nevada, USA, 2020 Winter Break Trip
During the winter break between Dec. 2019 and Jan. 2020, I went on a great trip across the US: starting from Michigan, I went to Illinois, took a train (the California Zephyr) to California, then drove to Nevada, Utah, and in the end Arizona. This trip took us 18 days and we found great joy in it, especially in photography.
We spent a total of 2 days in Nevada, most of which were spent on gambling and watching shows… It was a fantastic experience but in return there were few photos to share with you. Therefore, I put photo taken at the Death Valley (at the borderline of California and Nevada) here.